English note/입트영 10

입트영, 6월 14일 화 / My Life, 20 Years From Now / 20년 뒤 나의 삶

My Life, 20 Years From Now 20년 뒤 나의 삶 ​ With an aging population and high turnover rates, I've started giving some thought to what my life will be like after retirement. The concept of jobs for life is now declining. Voluntary resignations and early retirement have become quite common. I would like to remain in good health after I retire. I exercise regularly to stay healthy, and I hope to trave..

Easy English, 6월 8일 수 / You mean in June? / 6월에요?

You mean in June? 6월에요? ​ [Dialogue] Tarot reader : You’re going to find that motivation from deep within. Min : You mean in June? Tarot reader : Yes. And a lot of ideas will be popping up out of nowhere. Min : That’s such great news for me. Tarot reader : Those ideas will help you get out of your old mindset. Your lifestyle will change a lot in June. Min : I’m glad to hear that. Thanks. ​ 타로 상담..

입트영, 6월 1일 수 /Difficulties with Videoconferencing / 화상 회의의 어려움

Difficulties with Videoconferencing / 화상 회의의 어려움 Remote meetings have become widespread because of the coronavirus. I have been attending many videoconferences myself. Of course, it comes with a lot of benefits. It saves a lot of time and money since there is no need for business trips. ​ But on the flip side, there are a lot of drawbacks, too. First, the sound echoes and there is a slight delay..

입트영, 5월31일 화 / Financial Literacy / 금융 문맹 탈출

Financial Literacy 금융 문맹 탈출 ​ ​ 실생활 경제 상식 공부에 대해 이야기해 주세요. Talk about studying real-life economic concepts. ​ I recently started studying up on the economy. I actually double-majored in business administration, and I once tried to earn a certificate related to finances. I studied economics at the time out of necessity, and because I had a sense of purpose. But studying feels a lot more fun now t..

입트영, 5월30일 월/Why I like "입트영" / 내가 '입트영'을 좋아하는 이유

​ Why I like "입트영" 내가 '입트영'을 좋아하는 이유 ​ ​ I can't remember exactly when I first tuned in to "입트영," but it was sometime around 2010. I was searching for solutions because my job responsibilities required me to speak English. That's when I happened upon "입트영." I tried to remember the expressions I learned each day and put them to use at work. ​ Jennifer's dulcet tones were another reason I got hook..

입트영, 5월27일 금/ Difficulties When Learning Korean / 한국어 학습의 어려움

[Speech Practice] I recently made friends with a Malaysian woman who speaks English like a native. She wants to learn Korean and I need opportunities to brush up on my English. So we meet up regularly and help each other (out) with our language studies. When she gets mixed up about Korean expressions and grammar, she asks me for help. But, it's really difficult to explain the subtle differences ..

입트영, 5월26일 , A day without nagging / 잔소리 없는 날

A day without nagging / 잔소리 없는 날 When my daughter was a 3rd-grader, we read a children's book called 'A day without nagging' She begged and pleaded for just one day each year when she could also be free from any nagging. She looked forward to it so much that I said yes. She wrote down the date of the no-nagging day, posted it up (on the wall) in her room, and counted the days until then. And whe..