English note/토익스피킹

Q3.4 [사람이 중심인 사진] 소수, 다수

Physio-Dal 2022. 12. 22. 12:20

(장소) This picture was taken in an office

(중심 대상) Well, firstly I see two office workers working together

(각) The man who is wearing a red tie is standing, and he is bending over a document.

He seems to be searching for something.

(각) The woman sitting next to the man is looking at the document as well.

She is wearing a black suit.

(주변 대상)

In the foreground, some office supplies are on the dest.

In the background, there are two shelves filled with files.

I can see some white blinds.

-짧은 문장 사용하여 매끄럽게

(느낌 및 의견) Overall, it looks pretty peaceful.



(장소) This picture was taken inside a greenhouse. (at a flower shop)

(묶어서) Well, firstly I see two men talking to each other.

(각) The older man has gray hair and he is touching the flowers with the back of his hand.

(각) The younger man is wearing a checkered shirt. He is holding a potted plant. (flower pot)

Both of them are wearing gardening aprons.

I think they are talking about flowers.

(주변 대상) In the background, there are a lot of red and pink flowers.

(느낌, 의견) Overall, it looks pretty peaceful.



(장소) This picture was taken in an office. (meeting room)

(묶어서) Well, firstly I see five people having a meeting.

(각) The man standing by the board is wearing jeans and a jean jacket, and he is making a presentation using a chart.

and seems to be answering questions.

Four people are seated at a white table.

Among the four listeners, (각) one of them is raising his hand to ask a question.

(주변) On the table. I see some cups and writing materials.

In the background, there are several windows.

(느낌) Overall, the meeting looks pretty busy.


This is a picture of an office.

What I notice first is five people in a meeting.

Four are seated at a white table, and one man is standing next to a board.

Among the people seated, one is raising his hand to ask a question.

The others seem focused on the presentation.

In front of them, I see some cups and writing materials.

Generally, it appears that they are having a brainstorming session. 

